Easter on White House Lawn

In 1935, Althea Swinford Hutton, published a book of poetry dedicated to her daughter, Virginia. One of the poems from Althea's book memorializes Virginia's participation in the Easter Egg Roll on the Whitehouse lawn. Virginia, my mother-in-law died in February of 2021, just days before her 98th birthday. Before she died she told me what she remembered about participating in the event. With her kind permission, I have reprinted the poem here.


by Althea Swinford Hutton

When the President entertains us

Upon the White House lawn,

With his Easter party

We're awake before the dawn,

In joyful anticipation

Of this gala, gay occasion.

Our gay beribboned baskets

Filled with eggs of brightest hue

Vie for favor with our bonnets

Now so saucy, crisp and new--

Which we don with proud assurance

For this special day's occurrence.

We pass through the gates historic

Where kings have passed before,

And our own beloved statesmen

Pass today; and those of yore

Whose noble spirits seem to linger

Adding welcome to our Childhood ever eager.

Bright balloons float about

And the lawn is ours.

Bands sweet music make

While we spend the sunny hours,

Rolling eggs in fashion gay to see

On a land that's truly free.